Dear Customers,
Due to unexpected global shortage and appreciation of linear rails, we have to no choice but to increase price, start from 15th April 2018.
The sudden increase in demand of industrial automation in many countries, resulted in shortage of high precision linear motion component in Asia Pacific Region. Despite our active negotiation, IKO cannot continue to supply linear rails to us in the foreseeable future as their product capacity seems to be all occupied and booked for the entire 2018. Even we are now switching to other linear rails brands such as CPC and HIWIN, under current overbought market for linear rails we are still facing a significant increase in procurement price. In order to maintain the quality of our products and still have reasonable profit to continue production, we have no choice but to increase the price of Cetus3d printers. After 15th April 2018 following prices will be applied.
Cetus 3D Printer Standard Version – 399 USD
Cetus 3D Printer Extended Version – 499 USD
All printers produced in April 2018 will be installed with either CPC or HIWIN linear rails.
For exist users consider you bought a rising stock, for future customers I would suggest you buy before price adjustment date.